Cigars, A New Form of Breaking Bread.
I have a special place in my heart for the cigar community. No matter where I go to light up a cigar I always meet such interesting people and hear incredible stories. The best conversations I have are always around a cigar. It doesn't matter what town I'm in, how I'm dressed or what my profession is. I always meet nice people and have significant conversations with other people around cigars. I could go on and on with one story after the next, but there's one story in particular that I want to share to illustrate why I feel how I do about the great community that is the Cigar Community. Recently I had to travel to Indianapolis for a wedding. Upon my arrival at the church I saw a man walking back into the church shed, he looked like he had just got done with mowing the grass, and he had a cigar in his mouth. I thought, "Perfect, maybe he can tell me where I can pick up some cigars for me and my buddies to smoke that night." I followed him into the s...