
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Moment

It's all one can do, Love today.  Love those around you,  Love them, Because they, like you, Will pass away.  So embrace it,  Embrace them.  Be love,  Love, Embrace, Hug, Draw close, Work, Eat, Live, Breathe, Rest,  Grow, Pray, Sit, Inhale, Exhale, Die. 

Don't Ruin Yourself with a Nonprofit Job: Work/Life Balance

Here's a contribution I recently wrote for another blog (@YNPN of the Triangle NC) that I felt like I should include on my own blog page. Enjoy. I see it ALL THE TIME. Burnout. It happens to the best of ‘em. Burnout creeps up like a silent ninja in the night. You don’t even know it hits you until it’s too late. Let’s pretend there is a recipe for Burnout. Take the following 10 ingredients, mix them together in any order you’d like, and just let it bake. For some, it takes days, others months, and still others, years.  Whatever the case, without change, you’ll find you have a classic case of Burnout on your hands. Say “yes” to everything. Just say “no” to boundaries. #Overrated Don’t have a hobby. Spread yourself thin, Try to do many things at once. Do everything yourself. Why delegate? No one can do your job as well as you. Eat, Sleep, Drink your job. Stay at it all day, even on the weekends and on vacations. Find your self-worth only in your jo...