The Advent of Advent
taken from pinterest With the advent of Advent, the church calendar marks a change in season. We enter into a season of waiting, expectantly, for the arrival of the Messiah, the Christ child; Emmanuel, the Lord with us. Outside, the leaves change and fall to the ground as the chill of winter settles in. Nature’s growth comes to a halt. We pull the sweaters out, and put the gloves on; we are zipped, buttoned and wrapped; ready for a new season. As fall disappears and winter enters, we Christians also enter a new season. A season to pause in hope for the long-awaited Messiah - Christ our king, born from heaven, ushered in through Mary in a stable. We prepare for the Messiah that had long been prophesied about in the Scriptures, the Messiah, for whom the Jews had longed. It is a season of waiting and preparation. Yet we live in a society that abhors waiting. Instant satisfaction is our mantra - fast food, 4G, DVR to fast forward through the commercials. Imagine a wor...