My you know him?
Life can be a bitch, but you just have to keep keepin' on; shake it off and move along. Adversity. It happens to all of us, every single person. Yours is different from mine and vice versa. No one person has it worse, per se, and someone else's struggle doesn't minimize another's. Although there is some shit I have never, nor do I ever hope, to experience I can say I can relate to having to move through tough experiences. That's something we can all relate to. Some shit happened in my life recently that really stirred me up inside about all of this. Allow me to explain and share one dimension of my life with father. My father is a unique man. I don't think I have met anyone quite like him, although I know some of you will know someone close to you exactly like him. How shall I start? In no particular order, allow me to spew some random factoids out there: The Ugly Parent's divorced when I was 8 yrs. old. He made it really hard on me and...