Be Successful.

I have a goal. Let me know if you're into the same goal, ok?

I want to increase the numbers at church's youth group.
I want to help create some enthusiasm there too.
I want to see more young couples coming to our church and feel connected.
This would be success to me.

I am anxious about a lot of things like this.
This is what I pray for sometimes, maybe more than I'd like to admit.

Success! That's all I want.
Success! This word haunts me.
Success, what is it? Really? For you or for me? What does it mean and do I think about it so much?

I was anxious about this idea about being "successful" this morning (especially when person after person stepped into line with their fancy business suit and their fancy shoes, with their "bling" around their neck, ears and wrists). 
"These people have money," I think to myself. "Maybe these people are successful too."

Then I remember my calling, my vocation. 
I was full of anxiety because I was filled with the world's notion of success,
and not filled with God's notion, my Father's notion of success. 
"I get to spend my time here with you," I prayed.
Soon my mind was emptied of "other" voices and I was still. 
"To successful is know yourself before the Lord" I prayed.

May you know yourself before the Lord, In his presence.
And may his presence reminds you that you are but dust,
But that in him is life and light and success.
Be full of his voice and not the "other" voices."


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