Raise Children in the Way They Should Go
My son started kindergarten today. He is my oldest, and today, like most kids, he started school. He was so excited today (what a blessing for me), but there is also some apprehension within me. I believe it's natural for that fear to be there. Will he be ok? Will other kids be nice? Will he be bullied? Will he be scared? Will he get embarrassed? There are so many things that could happen, BUUUTTT, I can't really let that fear control me. I must breathe. Inhale. Exhale.
Today my son starts a new school in a new place that we just moved to 3 weeks ago. Getting here (to NC) has been quite the faith journey and story. The Lord has been with us the whole way- in big ways and little. I believe he's with my son as well as the rest of the children in school. He's with all of us. He's near, so very near.
I was thinking, shortly after I dropped him off, about some of the great ironies of parenting. For instance, the first 0-6 years of life for a child are the most impressionable. It's the time where foundations are laid and where lifelong impressions/connections are formed. It's a very special time of life for the child as well as the parents. However the irony is that, for the parents, it's the most stressful time of life. Especially that first 0-3 years, some might call it the "survival" years. You're adjusting to new stresses, more bills, less energy, less sleep, more duties. I'm sure y'all understand what I'm talking about. Those early years in a childs life are so important, but parent's are spent, tired, frustrated and ragg-ed.
I can (sort of) understand the mentality of helicopter parents (click link for definition) and their need to make sure nothing harms their child(s), but I understand that that's not realistic, nor is it parenting best practice. My son is off to school. Sure we'll see him again, but he's entered a new stage of life. He'll have new peers and influences around him now. He'll start to make decisions for himself. I have to believe in the work and time that his mother and I (and other family) have put into him these first 6 years of life. He's ready to go. May you too come to trust and believe in the work you've put into your sons & daughters.
Teach children in the way they should go;
When they grow old, they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6, Common English Bible.