Another Page had Turned, A New Chapter has Begun.
Just wanted to give me friends and family an update. Felt like a blog post was more appropriate than a long Facebook status post.
After 13 1/2 years of marriage Liz and I have decided to separate. Truth is, we separated for about a month or two earlier in 2016 to different rooms in the house and started separating our accounts even then. After long discussions and some change of heart we decided we didn't want to pursue that route and "moved back in" with each other right as the summer approached. We started seeing another counselor, our third, and put some serious effort back into our relationship, and we really meant to make it all work and thought we had both let issues, that we were both holding onto, go. We were doing fine, until we weren't. As some of you already know, none of this stuff just happens overnight. We went back into "separation mode" back in November and have been in separate rooms since.
Very recently I moved out and currently live in a one bedroom apartment close to the house and close to our kid's school. Liz and I have a very amicable relationship and don't have a legal agreement or anything like that setting boundaries for time with our kids. We agree that we want to preserve the best part about us, and that's our kids. Breaking the news to them was the hardest conversation I have ever had. I feel pretty safe to say that Liz would say the same. I still see them every morning to wake them up, get them ready and get them to school, and they know they can see me and/or stay the night whenever they want.
I have nothing, but deep respect and love for Liz. She's a wonderful woman and I have nothing but great things to say about her. But, we have lost connection, and it has led to a lot of hurt for both of us. We both agree that this is a necessary step for us in order to regain ourselves again and have joy. It has not been easy, but we are both moving forward together, as well as individually, as best as we can. I believe she knows that I'm always here to support her when I can, especially when it comes to our children.
I know this probably isn't enough information for some of you, and I welcome your text or phone call and I'd be happy to connect with you about it all, but I just wanted to let y'all know the gist of the current situation between us. Thank you for your continued friendship over the years and thanks for taking the time to "click" and read this. So many of you have welcomed us into your families and homes and you mean very much to both of us.
Peace to you,
After 13 1/2 years of marriage Liz and I have decided to separate. Truth is, we separated for about a month or two earlier in 2016 to different rooms in the house and started separating our accounts even then. After long discussions and some change of heart we decided we didn't want to pursue that route and "moved back in" with each other right as the summer approached. We started seeing another counselor, our third, and put some serious effort back into our relationship, and we really meant to make it all work and thought we had both let issues, that we were both holding onto, go. We were doing fine, until we weren't. As some of you already know, none of this stuff just happens overnight. We went back into "separation mode" back in November and have been in separate rooms since.
Very recently I moved out and currently live in a one bedroom apartment close to the house and close to our kid's school. Liz and I have a very amicable relationship and don't have a legal agreement or anything like that setting boundaries for time with our kids. We agree that we want to preserve the best part about us, and that's our kids. Breaking the news to them was the hardest conversation I have ever had. I feel pretty safe to say that Liz would say the same. I still see them every morning to wake them up, get them ready and get them to school, and they know they can see me and/or stay the night whenever they want.
I have nothing, but deep respect and love for Liz. She's a wonderful woman and I have nothing but great things to say about her. But, we have lost connection, and it has led to a lot of hurt for both of us. We both agree that this is a necessary step for us in order to regain ourselves again and have joy. It has not been easy, but we are both moving forward together, as well as individually, as best as we can. I believe she knows that I'm always here to support her when I can, especially when it comes to our children.
I know this probably isn't enough information for some of you, and I welcome your text or phone call and I'd be happy to connect with you about it all, but I just wanted to let y'all know the gist of the current situation between us. Thank you for your continued friendship over the years and thanks for taking the time to "click" and read this. So many of you have welcomed us into your families and homes and you mean very much to both of us.
Peace to you,