All a Father Can Do

On Sept. 9, 2018, I'll be in a courtroom for another, our second, temporary custody hearing (the first was back in April). 

My ex-wife, after the first hearing, which the Court ruled, very clearly, "neither party shall permanently remove the minor children from the State of North Carolina, Wake County, for anything other than vacations/trips or temporary travel pending further order of the Court or written consent from the other parent. (This means the minor children shall not be relocated to the State of Virginia or anywhere outside of Wake County, North Carolina without further order of this Court or the written consent of the parties" (May, 14, 2018), decided there was still no need to change her plans to move away with the kids. Sold the house (kept all the money), got married, moved into a summer short-lease rental, and here's the catch, that summer rental's lease ends on Saturday, Sept. 15th. 

Let me take a quick moment to pause. I need to reiterate and emphasize, I have no ill-feelings towards my ex-wife. This is all about me and taking care of my children. This is all about keeping their lives intact, keeping them growing and thriving and feeling great. I'm protecting them from feeling marginalized, from feeling "2nd place." Everything I have done for the last 20 months has been entirely centered around them. Bottom line, I want to care and support my children. This post might make you feel as though there is some real negative energy behind, totally understandable. It's a very negative situation, but I am writing with a full heart. This post is my practice of transparency and I'm not writing to vent, I'm writing to share, to include people in my life. If I didn't share, this stuff would turn negative, it would turn toxic and acidic and eat away at me. This is me keeping a clean slate, not letting roots of bitterness and/or anger grow, keeping the story in front of me (and for you too) really helps me stay current and in the present, not looking behind and living in the past. It's all about staying in motion, keeping moving forward. 

My children's mother has decided she is moving away and has said her life is with her husband in Virginia now. Okay, she moved on, cool. That part is what it is, but she can't do that if she has primary residential custody, so her legal team petitioned the court for another temporary hearing, stating it a "time-sensitive need for their client." Okay, here we go. 

The kids have started school, both JB and Sophie are excited to be back, rather, still in Leesville. JB started 6th grade and Sophie, 4th. Both have try-outs for the school play this week and are totally looking forward to jumping in. My heart hurts, because, either way, they are going to live away from one of their parents. 

The other side, now just known as, the defendant has been doing everything to try to wedge my time with the kids. It's all about building precedence. Every text, every email, every single thing said or not said, everything is a legal document or intent. Everything can (and will) be used against you, even if it didn't happen, it'll be used against you. 

*Our permanent hearing of custody is Feb. 19, 2019

When sorrows like sea billows roll, 
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, 
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Peace be with you,

The Plaintiff


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